Before I start on the Purcell Reunion that I just got back from I have to say something about this picture I found on the Bar N0ne website. Does anyone else remember the waitress being this hot? even the beer goggles I had on didn’t make her look like this. Call this girl next time we go to NYC B!!
So anyway I just got back from the family reunion in Kansas City Missouri. nice place I guess, though I can’t see how it supports two one and a half major sports teams, the Chiefs and the Royals. This reunion was for my Grandmother’s brothers and sisters and their families, therefore I hardly knew anyone. It was at my Great Uncle Al’s farm/ranch in St George.
Al is a really nice guy, and also a very rich old guy. I remember visiting his house in Fairfax Station when we first moved to Virginia and playing bocce ball with Todd, I think, I was only 9. He’s an executive with Xerox (among other things) and he’s been there long enough to afford 160 acres of Missouri farmland and a house fit for a king. I don’t want to drone on about how cool the house was, cause that’s not what this trip was about, but lets say that it had enough walnut trim to fill an entire forest. And a wine cellar… and a sauna… and a bar… and what seemed like a little restaurant. I would swear I saw a Starbucks in there somewhere.
Apparently the Purcell’s make the Tuley’s look subdued… but that’s all relative (oh god what a bad pun). And because of that I knew that they were all right and all family. I can’t do the snooty family thing. All my relatives are real people with real problems. That’s why we get along so well and why we fight, cause that’s what people do. But we always seem to find a way to forgive each other (or at least not talk about it, too much)
There were so many different careers and locations to keep track of I tried to remember it all, luckily there is a excel spreadsheet for addresses and phone numbers. I want to try and turn that into some kind of database driven system to keep track of those things and maybe some other information. I guess I’ll get to put my programming skills to the test! And I have a cousin that works for Macromedia so maybe I can get some coldfusion help from him.
The three days were full of things to do, softball game, hayride, FIREWORKS, and lots and lots of eating. This was my first time at a family reunion and I would definitely go again. I had a great time talking with cousins and uncles that I didn’t even know I had. I think the planning committee has decided to get this together again in two years, so 2007 I’ll be there again. via 7 most recent MOblogs are from there