I think maybe I had heard of this story before today… But she was on Elliot this morning so I really heard alot about it today. I’ll give you a short summary if you have no idea what I’m talking about
She works on Capitol Hill in some senator’s office, or did… she got fired for writing a blog. Much like this one except I would say not as cool and filled with just a TEENY bit more sex. Actually a LOT more sex. That’s pretty much the only thing on there. She used initials for the men she was involved with so nobody knew who they were. So I think the big deal is that when people found her blog online they assumed she would be the new Monica Lewinski… but it turns out that she didn’t sleep with anyone that powerful. So WTF, why is she still around? Why did she get a book deal? Why is Elliot so interested in her?
I have no idea!
People on the radio kept asking her if she had a problem dating married men, and she would casualy answer “that’s not MY problem, as long as I’m having fun”. My favorite part of the story is that she would go on a lunch date with these guys, F them , and recieve an envelope of money. But NOOOOOO she’s not a *cough* slut *cough* whorebag *cough* prostitute.But I don’t give a rats ass about this sleeze, I’m just confused about why she is famous now. Cause she works on Capitol Hill? Bobby works there and he’s not famous, Unless you count the infamous ability to steal things. There are reasons to care about famous slutty women… here are some…
- They are hot and rich (Paris Hilton)
- They are hot and semi-talented (Pamela Anderson)
- They are hot and pornstars (TOO MANY)
- They are hot and actors/wild partiers (Tara Reid)
- They are hot and HOT MODELS (random model name here)
- They did somebody really famous (Monica Lewinsky, that girl from Colorado-Kobe)
Maybe I should start writing about my sex life on here. I live pretty close to DC right, the book deals will start pouring in! But I did like one quote from her on Elliot. “Any guy who tries to have anal with you while you’re sober, dosen’t really love you.”
No shit.