Just when I thought that the only thing I had to worry about today was not farting in my office, this comes along. I had just watched 30 Days last night, on this episode a man from West Virginia lived with a muslim family for 30 days. I thought it was really good at showing the real values of Islam. I also started to feel bad that the arabs in this country are being targeted at airports and getting strange looks everywhere… buuuuut then I watched Mind Of Mencia which has a much
And then we have another terrorist attack today… and who was it? Was it a black guy? Was it a Mexican in a lowrider? NO, it was fuckin Al Queda again. I’m not saying that all muslims are secretly planning to take over the world, but give us whiteys a break if we give you a sideways glance once in a while. You just happen to look like the guys that are trying to kill us.
PS. I still love you Suleman! Just put on a poncho and sombrero when you go out in public for a few days and you should be cool.
via BBC