I was listening to The Daily Source Code today and Adam played this song. I don’t know where he got it because it’s not on the pod-safe music network. I’m not usually one of those guys that searches out new music but this band is awesome! Their name is “HER” and apparently they are from New York, but that’s about all I know about them. (and the lead singer is a hottie, I wish they had bigger pictures) *cough* email me *cough* I can help The song that is really stuck in my head is “Get Away” it’s like a country rock vibe, just so freaking sweet. But there are a few other tracks available on their website (you may have to look for them though, website needs a little work) They are all good too, I will have to buy this one when it comes out (shocker! not download) “Get Away” is playing on the main page.
via HER Band website