
so sad
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I’m Poor! I’m putting a hiatus on all eating out and drinking (mostly) until next month at least. I don’t know where all my money has gone, but it’s gone somewhere. And i don’t think it’s coming back. This month I got hit with a couple of bills that snuck up on me. Cartax, insurance, and Website Renewal. Not to mention that I waste money on stupid little things all the time. Not to mention the vastly over-budget beerpong table project. $40 for buttons now seems a little extravagant.

I’ll still be going out to rock bottom on Wednesdays, cause $1 pints still makes a cheap mid week night out. On the weekends I’ll have to switch to Bowmans Vodka instead of beer.

If anybody has an easy way to for me to make some more money I would be interested. Taking a second job is sort of not what I want to be doing. But Websites and painting Murals would be highly desired.

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