They say there's no excitement for the Simpsons Movie

Entertainment, Movies

Well i don’t think there has to be that much excitement. People are buzzing about the Transformers because there hasn’t been any good transformers stuff in 20 years. But the Simpsons are still on TV,  if you want to see them you just have to watch any Fox affiliate from 5-7 every day.

But I just watched the final trailer for the movie and here’s some buzz for you. It looked awesome, the animation was above normal TV level (even Futurama!) and the story looked good enough to carry a feature length movie. It’s going to be sweet!

Yahoo Trailer Site


Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thunder CATS!

Entertainment, Movies

Preach it brother!

No more will the youth of the 80’s have to sit through horrible 70’s tv shows made into feature length movies. Now we will have our own crappy remake movies to complain about. The 80’s revival continues!

ThunderCats are Coming!

You can’t tell me you don’t get a little excited… but unfortunatley they are cat people. So this could come off looking like Andrew Lloyd Webber does He-Man. But there is a slight chance this won’t suck!


‘Knocked Up’ is the best summer movie yet.

Entertainment, Movies

I’ve seen Spiderman… it kind of sucked. I’ve seen Pirates 3… twas ‘aight. But the movie that I told myself not to get that excited for finally came out and it’s easily the best movie I’ve seen all summer and that includes the ones I’ve rented too. It definitely lives up to the bar set by the director’s first movie ‘the 40 year old virgin’. Obviously if you’re a fan of his TV series’ ‘Undeclared’ or ‘Freaks and Geeks’ you will love this movie. But I’m recommending it to anyone else… everyone else!

Geeks of Doom review


But will he be credited as “Savage” Steve Holland?

Entertainment, Movies

Laurel and I were just watching “One Crazy Summer” the other day (which she may or may not have seen, which is a tragedy) and I was thinking about what happened to all the people that were in those movies, besides Cusack and Moore. I mean Booger eeked out a pretty good career. one of them was a Murray brother, and the hot chick was on Dallas for a while. Then today I read a story about the director coming back to make another movie. He’s calling the movie “something that will compliment “Dead” and “Summer,” “. This is great news… I hope he can get Cusack to be in it!

Holland back for another “One”


Geekdom of my Youth…

Entertainment, Movies

So I was looking through the Wikipedia entry for “Fraggle Rock(which is suprisingly thorough) and I read this quote…

In September 2005, it was announced that The Jim Henson Company had begun work on Fraggle Rock: The Movie, with the aim of a release in 2009. The story is said to involve the original Fraggle characters.[1] As of October 2006 this is still current and the BBC reports that the film will be set in the human world with Frank Zappa’s son at the helm. [2] As of October 20, 2006; according to “Henson’s company has hired executive producer Ahmet Zappa (“The Monstrous Memoirs of a Mighty McFearless”) to write a treatment for the film which will be a full-length live-action musical fantasy starring the underground dwellers who venture out into the human world. Henson Co. co-topper Lisa Henson is producing, whilst Brian Henson will exec produce.”

Ok so the Ahmet Zappa part scares me a little, but if the Hensons are executive producers I’m sure it will be fine. 80’s revival worked for the comic industry, lets take it to the theaters.


Summer Movie Contest

Entertainment, Movies

Every movie season my boss does this contest where we pick what movies are going to be the highest grossing movies. I think I have a pretty good list this year, but I think that every time! There’s always some movie that I put on the list just because I’m really excited about and then it bombs big time thus keeping me out of the top… thank you very much Superman. I’m trying not to do that this year.

Here’s my list this year.

1. Pirates 3 $425,000,000
2. Shrek 3
3. Spider-man 3
4. Harry Potter 5
5. Evan Almighty
6. Transformers
7. Ratatouille
8. The Simpson’s
9. Rush Hour 3
10. Fantastic4 2

I did a lot or research over at boxofficemojo and thenumbers. But usually it just comes down to gut feeling. With all the sequels coming out it made it a little easier because you could look at things like how long in between movies it had been and what the previous films made. In fact my list only contains 3 movies that aren’t direct sequels and two of those are based on long running franchises (Transformers and The Simpsons). The other one is a Pixar film (Ratatouille) and they haven’t made less than 162 million ever. (A Bugs Life)

My only concern is that I might have ranked some movies too high and underestimated others. “Transformers” might be too high, Mr Bay’s last sci-fi film (the island) tanked hard. But this is Transformers god damn it. Produced by Steven Spielberg! Plus the effects look sharp and a reference from Clerks 2 tells me this is going to be big.

Evan Almighty might be too high also, but I just watched the trailer and it looks funny as crap. I’d say that coming off “40 yr old virgin” and “The Office” , Steve Carell is hotter than Jim Carrey was at the time. The thought of someone building an Ark in New Jersey also makes me laugh… you know in case it rains… or something. (see the preview…)

I had to leave some big movies off the list. It’s not like I don’t think their going to bomb, but the 10th place movie will probably make 120 million or so. So “Die Hard 4”, gone. “Oceans 13”, Gone. “Bourne Ultimatum”, gone. All rated R, or nearly R and part of franchises that are going downhill. so I chose Fantastic 4 as my 10th placer, the original made 150 million. In a world where “Ghostrider” can be a hit always pick the superheros.

We’ll see how this goes!
