Musical Gauntlet 02

Entertainment, music

Songs that are awesome, part 2.

White Zombie – Thunderkiss ’65 – Laurel and I were just talking about this album the other day. Not so much about the songs but about the fact that it’s the only CD my parents ever made me throw away. To their credit it did have demons and 666 drawn all over the cover. (as I’ve grown up I realize that this is mostly for marketing purposes) Anyway this might be my favorite Hard rock song of the 90’s. It sort of has a 60’s vibe to it, can’t really say why, it might just be because they (ninteen- sixty – five – yeah) over and over. If a song can make you drive faster this is the one.

Mindless Self Indulgence – Bitches – This section of the list should be titled “Songs my mom would hate”. But it’s not, these songs are awesome. With a song like this it helps to get introduced to it with a well timed pokemon fan video. I’m not going to say that i’m a fan of all this bands lyrics/imagery, but this song is the sweetness. It contains the line “Bitches love me cause they know that I can rock”… it’s like my theme song.

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Under The Bridge – This song always makes me remember summer. The real summer when you didn’t have to go to school, not this bastardized summer where you get to wear short sleeved shirts to the office. The song is so simple that I could probably play it on the guitar, it’s all about delivery. It follows the trend of Hard rock bands showing their sensitive side in a ballad, but they’re singing about drug addiction… so suck my kiss.

Musical Gauntlet 01

Entertainment, music

So a while back Laurel asked my what my all time favorite band was, I didn’t have an answer. I still don’t really have an answer, but that’s probably because I’ve never really thought about it.

I was making a play-list for Dave to listen to while he was at ju jit su. I was searching my library for all the hard rock songs that I could find and I came across some good songs. I’ll classify these songs as “Songs that never get old” I would say that these are the cream of the crop in my musical stew.

They are not all hard rock songs… it’s hard to search the library and be exact with genres. They’re just songs that came up and I made a snap judgment that they were awesome. Since I’ve been reading “Fargo Rock City” I’ve been thinking like a amateur music critic. (which just means I know enough to argue) I decided to share some of my favorites and why. Judge not lest ye be judged.

Redman / Methodman – Da Rockwilder – seriously do I have to say why? This has got to be the best beat of the 1990’s. And unlike most hiphop songs, I actually know most of the lyrics. I’d have to say there is no better song to bump down the street in a hunter green chrystler minivan (with the infinity sound system).

Johnny Cash – Hurt – I know most people will say that Cash’s best songs are “Walk the line” and “Ring of Fire” etc. But to me this is the way I want to remember someone that I really don’t remember. I mean come, I was born in 1981, I think it would be pretentious of me to say that he hasn’t made any good music since the 60’s. I don’t judge the man, I give him credit for covering a song made famous by an industrial rock group in the 1990’s. Plus it kicks the originals ass.

Digital Underground – The Humpty Dance Pronounced with an Umpty! Yo ladies oh how I like to funk thee… This Shakespearian lyrical masterpiece will get the asses on the dance floor like no other song in the history of the world. As we know from the lyrics, it’s your only chance to do the hump, and who in their right mind would pass up a chance like that? Seriously you can’t help but like this song. I like my beats funky and my oatmeal lumpy!

that’s a start. When I come across some more I’ll post it.

All Good 2007

Entertainment, music

I was thinking about something Laurel asked me.

“So did All Good change your life?”

Her timing could have been better as we were still at the concert when she asked this, but never mind that. Minds were blown, new outlooks were looked, and jam bands have jammed there way into my mind. I had a really good time out there. I think I would have a great time anywhere I go with Laurel, but this was a really cool experience. It was awesome to get out there with so many people who all wanted to have fun, with none of the immature posturing and anger that I remember from HFS.

Laurel and I get along better than pretty much anyone I’ve ever met. I remember when she said that her outlook on life was “Every thing always works out, for me” Which is, word for word, something I actually said to Faith a couple years ago. (I did not get a good response) I just looked at her with a blank stare because I couldn’t believe how perfect she was for me.

Without Laurel I would never have gone to a three day concert/campout in the West Virginia mountains and I would never have known how much fun you can have out there. Before I might have wondered if there was someone I was missing in my life. She makes me wonder what I’m missing everyday I’m not with her.


Song of the Moment: Summer 07

Entertainment, music

Suddenly I See” by KT Tunstall

Its such a good song, not sure where I heard it. I think it was from an episode of “The Loop” but it’s been used in a couple of other places. I think it might have been on “Greys Anatomy” the other day (which I was watching because of Laurel). Anyhow, its a really fun light song. I think it’ll be my summer anthem… or at least until I get tired of it.

The rest of the album is pretty good too!



Entertainment, music

Hit you with the funk it’s like, “who cut the provolone?”
Government officials put taps on my mobile phones
Nations overthrown hold my own on my zone
prone to leave your dome blown poem after poem homes
Jones for the tones rome with me turn your motor on
Overall this war just just got it goin on
Overgrown child never growin old so when knows pokin notes
Till the never nose ho overdose
On my flows those flows goes deep
Hold your nose bros knows foes yo don’t sleep
slow your row, show my soul, total hold
Domination don’t ya know
Under comet like Muhammad with the verbal ropadope
It’s the..

paragraph president

Blackalicious has the best flows… well this sounds better than it reads. It’s the second verse of “Paragraph Presidents” off of Blazing Arrow. Still one of my favorite albums ever. I’m posting this because I was listening to their new album The Craft and thinking that it was a little sub par.


Don’t you know who I think I am?

Entertainment, music

So after the last post defending my overall musical taste I’m going to write a post about the new Fallout Boy album. I like their music, what I don’t like is that douchebags sometimes also like their music. This is best illustrated by a new cingular commercial where a random frat guy at the gym is talking about how the new song, “This aint a scene, it’s an arms race” gets him pumped. Then he procedes to have a seizure or play air guitar, whichever is worse.

Their last album was pretty much the soundtrack to my Metro rides last summer. So much so that I pretty much played out all the songs and can’t stand them any more. But give them a few years and they’ll be good all over again. Just like those Black Eyed Peas songs that I ran into the ground, circa 2 years ago.

At first listen the songs were nothing special, but I just put them in with the rest anyway. I found that whenever they would come up on shuffle I really liked them. So I listened to them yesterday in order again and I decided that they are in fact good. Which is pretty much the begining of the end for them. I’ll most likely overplay them and be done with them.

So it begins sir.
