I the non-musical snobberist

Entertainment, music

You know that look that some hipster kid gives you when he asks you what kind of music you like and you tell him “A little bit of everything”? Well next time punch him in the face. I honestly do like everything or at least pieces of everything. Terrence (the guy in the cube next to mine.) asked my what kind of music I listen to so I told him what’s on my playlist right now.

Here’s what’s on Poddington Jr. (my shuffle) right now.

  • Kittie
    An all-girl hardcore metal band
  • Fallout Boy
    A pop-rock band
  • Dixie Chicks
    An all-girl country group
  • Lost Prophets
    A pop-rock band, but ‘cooler’ than FOB
  • De La Soul
    A pioneering 80’s/90’s hip hop group
  • Best of Bootie 2006
    A compilation of the best Mash-ups of last year

I think this is an accurate portrait of my musical tastes. 3/6 rock, 2/3 of that pop-rock. 2/6 hip-hop or hip-hop influenced. 1/6 country, (that’s actually a little high) and 2/6 groups with girl singer.

I do like everything. So screw you with your hipster jean jacket and ironic nintendo belt buckle.

Deathcab for Prozac

Entertainment, music

I once wrote a post about how I need my music to have a beat or at least get me pumped. I’m reconsidering that a little now. I like different music sometimes, here are some of the artists that I’ve added in the last few months. Lily Allen, Switchfoot, Thousand Foot Krutch, Kittie, Garth Brooks, Gorillaz, and Quarashi. If that’s not an ecclectic mix I don’t know what is. When I tell people that I like everything I really mean it!
So this leads me to my point. I don’t think I’ll ever be so depressed that I properly enjoy Deathcab for Cutie. I heard one of their songs on the radio the other day (94.7 the globe) and I really liked it, I thought maybe I’ll give them another chance. It turns out that this is the only song I like on the whole album. The rest of the songs sound like they all should be crying and kill themselves in the end. Not shoot themselves (that would require too much effort) but like stand on the edge of a building and just collapse over the edge.

But in case you’re wondering the song was “Soul Meets Body” from Plans.

More Notes on 500 songs (cont.)

Entertainment, music

Well I had to make the playlist for the Halloween party so I put my listening odessy on hold for a while. I’ll be continuing this week sometime. I’m having a bit of trouble with my computer being dead at work, so I should have some free time.

But before all this I did finish up to #172, here’s some notes transcribed from a yellow post-it.

#146. B-52s – Rock Lobster

The music is so good, plus the lyrics make it extra… creepy. But it’s way too long, wears thin.

#147. Iggy Pop – Lust for Life

Carnival Cruise Lines! But they must leave out the lyrics “I’m gonna beat my brains with liquor and drugs” but if they said “Liquor and food” they might have an accurate description

#151. The Penguins – Earth Angel

Marty McFly had a much better version with Marvin Berry and the Starlighters

#155. Creedence Clearwater Revival – Proud Mary

This song makes me want to roll, roll, roll down the river. or perhaps watch Forrest Gump.

#160. Public Enemy – Fight the Power

Does the original always have to be the best? Cause the Anthrax/PE version is 100 times better than this.

#166. Eminem – Lose Yourself

If you don’t think this song belongs in the top 500, you are insane crasy. The beat alone deserved it, plus it WON an OSCAR.

#172. Areosmith – Dream On

This dosen’t even sound like Steven Tyler. along with “Paint it Black” by the Rolloing Stones, it makes you realize how much they suck now… or why they were considered good at one time.

Notes on the 500 best songs evar by a 25 year old

Entertainment, music

So I’ve been jotting down some thoughts on the songs as they come up in my playlist. I’m not trying to comment on every one. Just trying listen through them and write down what comes to mind. If I don’t comment on a song it didn’t mean that it wasn’t good, it just didn’t make me think of anything… so here I go…

#41. The Band – The Weight

I know I’ve heard this song before but I had no idea who played it.

#45. Elvis Presley – Heartbreak Hotel

Is really short! 2:07??

#51. Grandmaster Flash – The Message

First hip hop song on the list, not a bad choice.

#55. The Kingsmen – Louie Louie

Oh man, I need a continuous mixtape of this and a regulation 5 story panty raid ladder.

#58. Michael Jackson – Billie Jean

Has there ever been a more memorable intro to a song. It just makes me want to dance on a glowing sidewalk.

side note… Bob Dylan sounds 80 years old

#60. Al Green – Lets Stay Together

This song is the shit. Makes me want to get funky.. or play a brass instrument, I don’t know which.

#63. Buffalo Springfield – For What it’s Worth

This is the first of many times this will happen. But I love the music to this song, because I heard it in “he got game” by Public Enemy. Not that that song is better than this, but it reminds me of something that happened in my lifetime. The LA riots, so it speaks to me more. Still a good song though.

#67. Elvis Presley – Jailhouse Rock

Great Intro, but another short E.P. song

#71. The Beach Boys – California Girls

Apparently there was a time when people could take this song seriously, Rolling Stone must be beyond that because I can’t listen o this anymore…click.

#72. James Brown – Papa’s got a brand new bag

I AM A SEX MA-CHINE. If only I could get his old toothless mug out of my head when I hear this song.

#73. Eddie Cochran – Summertime Blues

My parents must have had shorter attention spans than I do… 1:57

#74. Stevie Wonder – Superstitious

I think this is my favorite song on the list so far. I could seriously listen to it continuously for an hour and not get tired of it. It’s got the beat, oh yes.

#76. The Beatles – Strawberry Fields

I’ve really liked some other Beatles songs on this list, but Strawberry Fields can suck it!

#80. Marvin Gaye – Heard it through the grapevine

Damn those dancing raisins, relegated with the beach boys now

#86. Bruce Springsteen – Thunder Road

All I can think of is that this is why the craft in “Explorers” was called the Thunder Road. I’m very sad

#91. Elvis Presley – Suspicious Minds

Without really knowing when this song came out I can guess that it’s the Vegas jumpsuit Elvis, because it’s 3 times as long as any other E.P. song and it sounds like it was recorded with a backing band. Also it’s very repetitive so bloated Elvis could remember the lyrics.

#92. The Ramones – Blitzkrieg Pop

First punk song on the list. I feel like this should have been higher

#96. Jerry Lee Lewis – Great Balls of Fire

1:50 ? come on Jerry couldn’t you think of another verse?

#135. The Beatles – While my guitar gently weeps

This makes me realize how good Dangermouses Grey Album is. This song NEEDS Jay-Z over it.

#136. Elton John – Your Song

Man, that queen did have some great songs. Makes me proud to have his pinball machine in the parents basement

#140. Led Zeppelin – Kashmir

I don’t need my Diddy on this song, but it’s definatley on par with the original… for me

#143. Prince – Purple Rain

Shelley, why is this song good?

Guess what’s on my mind?

Entertainment, music

So I’ve been listening to “Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time” today at work. I must say that they’re very biased in the classic Rolling Stone way. Probably 50% of the songs are from the 60’s and 70’s and definatley 90% of the top twenty. With the exceptions being Nirvana “smells like Teen Spirit” and the Clash “London Calling”. It’s not that I’m saying that I disagree with the list. Because with all opinion based lists the only way to disprove it would be to write an opinion and I ‘m just too lazy to do that. So they’re just going to have to go on being right by default. It is a little early for me to judge the entire list, I’m only on song #32. Which is exactly why i decided to post this.

#32 Ray Charles – Georgia on my Mind

I can’t seem to tell if it’s sad or awesome that I can’t hear this song without seeing the Stone Mountain Laser Show in my head….

I’m gonna go with awesome!


What the hell just happened?

Entertainment, music

Seriously what in the name of funk is going on here. I drove to work and listened to the Sports Junkies yesterday and then I drive home and HFS has become El Zol playing latin and carribean dance music. I am not lying this really happened. This is not the plot from Airheads….oh wait YES IT IS. Why did no one hold the station hostage and ask for a football helmet full of cottage cheese and naked pictures of Bea Aurther? That’s what should have happened. But instead it went out like a bitch. At 12:01 the station went silent and then came back at 12:05 with nary an english word to be spoken. I can’t believe that there will be no HFStival this year. That was like the official start of Summer. It was a tradition for me and lots of people in the DC area. And I think it will be a big loss, I think DC101 should pick up the slack and fill the void with a giant festival of their own. just to carry on the tradition. I’m not going to get all sappy about it, but it sucks when somethign familiar that you have grown up with is no longer there, and very very suddenly. Rumor has it that the Junkies will be back on the air soon… we can only hope. RIP HFS 12:01 1/12/2005