I hate the DC Metro system so much.

Life, Rants

Lets look beyond the fact that the system was designed in the 70’s with aesthetics in mind more than functionality. there can never be express trains, I get that. I get that the system is low on money because they have to spend a million dollars per year to shampoo the carpets. I get that they’re on manual mode right now because of the crash last month. What I don’t understand is why they have “Scheduled Track Maintenance” during operating hours.

Every Saturday they seem to be doing it on the orange line, 45 minute delay. Coming back from the Nationals game they had it on a weekday, 30 minute delay at West Falls Church and 2 hours total trip time. Last night they had all trains shut down from the Pentagon to Rosalyn on the Blue line and I waited at the Braddock Rd stop for 45 minutes before they announced it.

The only time it runs smoothly are the rush hours in the morning and afternoon and even then I’m sweating my ass off.

The DC METRO SYSTEM SUCKS, don’t take it unless you’re scared to parallel park or drunk.

Treated like a 4th class shipper

Life, Rants

I finally got the DVDs to the post office yesterday. I shipped them “Media Mail” which apparently is some secret code for “Cheapest Shipping Possible”. I’d never heard of it and it wasn’t even listed on the “menu”. But when I said it out loud to the woman behind the counter looked at me like I said “Hey, ship this for me while I kick your puppy”. I didn’t have any tape to close the box so she made me buy some tape… which i didn’t really mind. But when I joked “I’m not spending enough to get free tape?” she replied “Basically”

It just made me think of how little I actually ship things and I hardly ever get anything worthwhile in the mail. I’d recomend using this service if you have any media to mail and you don’t mind being treated like you’re trying to pull a fast one.


I need to get my mp3 player fixed before I kill someone.

Life, Rants

the Sansa e260 that I’ve been using has recently bit the dust with a very inconvenient “blue ring of death” and my old Ipod had an unfortunate accident while snowboarding (more on that later) So I’m without any music on the Metro, which hasn’t been a problem. until today, when I met “loud obnoxious music guy” while stuck on the orange line for an hour and a half. After listening to other passengers confront him and hearing his douchy “It’s a free country” response I decided to try out the restrained “Mark-hulk” approach… and that slowly deteriorated into “im just going to stare a hole through your head until YOU punch me so I can literally throw you off the train” but alas… that didn’t happen. And I decided to take myself out of that situation and get on the next train. But it’s about time that I get my headphones back… for the saftey of the (douchbags) public.

I’m trying to restrain the 6’5″ sleep deprived Mark-Hulk, but it’s getting harder DC…

(this blog cannot be used against me in a court of law.)

Catch of the day – Surfrider Foundation

Life, Rants
Catch of the Day

Catch of the Day

Sometimes its embarrassing when I see how much garbage is just floating around my neighborhood and I live in a pretty expensive place. (not my house per say, but others) But that’s nothing compared to the trash that accumulates on our beaches.  I don’t know the solution, but I’m pretty sure its time to stop using the ocean as a toilet and garbage disposal. These are a series of ads from the Surfrider Foundation that really get the message home.

via osocio.org

Washington DC Metro Sucks.

Life, Rants

Good luck getting to the innauguartion next week. The DC metrro can barely handle the normal volume of passengers without breaking down all the time. And then, there’s parking….

I got to the Vienna Metro at 8:33 by my car’s clock, which is probably about 8:25 in real time. Both parking garages were full. And not just “oh i just missed the last spot” full. I’m talking about 50 angry people circling the lots in cars looking for some poor sucker to mow down full.

WTF? I think that’s a pretty resonable time to get to the metro, the ride should take about 45 minutes that would put me into work before 9:30, a time when most people who work in an office have to be there. I think the thing that really pisses me off is that they closed down the auxillary parking lot about a year ago, because, I assume that they were going to construct a new garage. But they’ve done nothing in the year since then and now I hear that the garage project has been cancelled because of lack of funds…. ARRRRGGG

I really want to be Peter Schiff right now.

Life, Rants

Not just because he probably pulled all of his own money out of the markets well before the current situation. But mostly because he has the ultimate “I told you so” going on right now. It’s not just like “I told you the Giants would win the Superbowl” or “Tampa Bay is going to be really good this year” or “Obama”.

Here’s what I want to see… Camera on him sitting alone behind a desk. long pause… “Ben Stein, etc – For years you laughed at my ideas on national TV, suggested that listening to me was akin to believing in Santa Claus, and told people to put all their money in companies that were not only bad investments but actually went out of business in some cases, …you are all idoits, …how would you like to suck my balls. Thank you an goodnight.”

I think China has been playing “Win Ben Steins Money” and he didn’t even know it.

via [Boing Boing]
