Know-it-alls, shouldn't evolution have sorted them out?

Life, Rants

I hate to make an argument against evolution, but isn’t the existence of Know-it-all people (KIAPs) proof that Evolution doesn’t exist? I hate these people, they aren’t good to talk to, they aren’t good to argue with, they aren’t even good to yell at. They’re always right even when they’re wrong, really really wrong. What’s even worse is having a conversation on a subject that you don’t really fully understand, and you fully admit that, and coming out of it feeling like an idiot anyway.

How do these people mate? It’s mostly men who are KIAPs, the women don’t seem to bug me as much because ALL women think they’re right all the time anyways. I don’t understand what kind of woman would want to be with a guy who constantly tells her that she’s wrong. It’s like pushing two north pole magnets together. People should be evolving into better human beings, not pompous jerks.

But I guess thats in a perfect world.

Damn dirty KIAPs!


Illusion of Security

Life, Rants

I really shouldn’t argue with people, especially people who are just doing their jobs. But it’s just so hard when I think their jobs are pointless. At my office in DC they recently beefed up the security to get into the building. Before all you had to do was beep your little security pass at the counter and then get on the elevator. But then I guess some important people moved into the building because they installed a metal detector and an x-ray machine. So now “All electronics and bags must be scanned” in the x-ray, you have to walk through the metal detector, and show photo id. Seems legitimate right?

No in fact it’s bullshit, let me explain.

1. They don’t care what kind of photo id, I could make my own and show it to them and they would just smile and wave me by. They only care that you have a picture of yourself.

2. The metal detector doesn’t care if I walk through with the following in my pocket. Set of car keys, large cellphone, Ipod shuffle and headphones, and $1.50 in quarters. Pretty safe.

3. They don’t make you scan coffee cups or lunch bags. I’m not just talking about the tiny brown bag with a scone that I just walked through with. I’m talking about a 2 foot sheet cake or a stack of newspapers a foot high. They barely even checked those.

Why do I care? Well I really shouldn’t, but I just hate it when I get called out for not scanning my 1 inch mp3 player and have to go back through the process and some lady carrying a 10lb cake just walks right through. And she actually passed the cake AROUND the metal detector. Plus these inept gaurds wouldn’t know a bomb if I walked in wearing it as a hat. This level of security wouldn’t stop even the stupidest criminal.


ps. don’t arrest me for pointing out the inadequacy of the system.

Fixin things.

Life, Rants

So when I moved out I noticed that it looked like someone spilled beer on my reciever and my computer downstairs. I didn’t really think about it because I don’t really use that desktop much anymore since I have a laptop. Well I finally got around to fixing it and re-installing the OS. I bought a new dvd drive because it was cheap. Good thing I did, when I opened up the drive to see what was the matter I found this.


Now I’m really wondering why I have to turn the volume up so much on the reciever, I bet the wires are all corroded with beer.  Thanks Dorks.
