
Life, Rants

Why is it so annoying to me when I hear a fat slob talking about how he’s been doing karate for 25 years? (pronounced ka-ra-tey)
I know it’s the naive thing to think that I could kick his butt without even trying. But to look at him while he’s talking is ridiculous, he’s seriously shaped like Newman from Seinfeld. You know it’s time to loose weight when your stomach is affecting the way you walk.

25 years???? You may need to take up a new hobby.


Louis Tulley and circular talking.

Life, Rants

There’s this guy at work who really annoys me. Annoy… that’s a soft term. When he talks I want to stab myself in the ear with a pen. He punctuates every statement with a series of little laughs, which doesn’t sound that bad… for the first thousand times. So today I’ve pinned down what really makes me cringe. First he talks way too fast, I purposely slow down my speech when I’m talking to him, hoping that he’ll get the point. (which hasn’t worked so far) He has something to say about everything, nothing that matters, he just wants to get the last word in every conversation.

But really it’s this… he talks in circles. Kinda like Yoda, but he starts at the beginning of the sentence. Here is one statement that I heard this morning.

I didn’t see them here last night, they’re usually here by 7. I was here last night and I didn’t see them.

This doesn’t sound that bad. But just think if every sentence was like this. Coming at you at a hundred miles an hour for 8 hours a day. So what lesson did we learn today kids? Say things once… slowly… and take a shower for once dammit!


Why we shouldn’t be in Iraq

Life, Rants

I can’t even find a way to start this blog. Does the US as the semi-lone superpower have a responsibility to help everyone? Is China out there in other countries deposing dictators? What about… well anybody else. I don’t think it’s any of our business to get involved in the middle east. What’s my main argument? They’re fucked. They always have been and always will be. NPR Mid East History There’s nothing good that can come from the US being involved in military action in Iraq, Iran, or anywhere else over there.

America decided long ago that we weren’t going to stone people to death for “Dishonoring the Family”. We invented Jerry Springer or shipped them off to boarding school. But would we let random strangers strip them naked in the streets and crush their faces with large stones? The still practice old testament justice, 2500 years later. How do we expect to change that with bullets. If they haven’t evolved yet, they’re never going to. We could nuke the place from orbit and 10 years later they would be stoning adulterers with giant pieces of the glass parking lot.

By living around Washington DC I have know several middle eastern men. I have know Iraqis, Iranians, even a guy from Qatar. 90% of them fit into the stereotype. They only care about money, power and material possessions. They have no respect for women. And these are the ones living in America, I can only imagine what it’s like over there.

So why am I all of the sudden writing this post. Well I came across a story today, complete with video of a young woman being stoned to death in Iraq…recently. I’ve lost all hope for these people. Lets get the hell out, start buying electric cars and give the big fuck you to the middle east.

Spagetti Western Omlette

Life, Rants

Men’s bathroom etiquette is something that is very high on my list. We’re all in there to do important work, but I don’t want to be your partner in crime. I spend my time in there playing games on my phone and trying not to breathe through my nose. But today I felt like I was Tom Arnold in Austin Powers. The guy wasn’t even in the stall next to me and I still felt for him… really I felt like he was going to get some on me.

[Austin Powers is drowning a man in the toilet]
Austin Powers: Who does Number Two work for? Who does Number Two work for?
Cowboy: Yeah, that’s it! You show that turd who’s boss.

He shuffled in past my stall, sat down forcefully, unleashed the monster and held on for dear life. That’s pretty much when I decided I’d had enough of the throne room and it was time to leave. While I was getting ready to leave I heard him fart the “Gunfighter Music” from “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly”. A tumbleweed rolled by the sink as I left our mysterious stranger to duke it out with the beast.

Allow me this rant.

Life, Rants

So I’ve noticed that my day goes by much quicker and I’m in a better mood when I listen to music all day. Why is that? Mostly because I don’t have to listen to the idiotic rantings of my slovenly cube-neighbor. He is a grade-A dork. Not only does he write bad code and yet constantly complain about others code (mostly because of formatting of all things) But he claims things are done when they are obviously not even close, which makes more work for me when I have to come in at the last minute and fix things before they go to system test and make more work for someone else.


I try not to be overtly mean to him. I try to think of what my mother would do, she being the nicest person in the world. But it so hard when he punctuates every sentence with annoying staccato laughter and keeps talking long after you’ve made it clear that you’re not interested anymore.

I think he should be my main argument for a raise. I put up with this guy more than anyone else does… give me more money.


Like teeth on a chalkboard

Life, Rants

I know this blog isn’t the best designed thing in the world, I try. But it does have a lot of CSS on the back end that I understand fairly well. When I’m at work I design the front end of our application, I try. I spend all day trying to get all the buttons to move one pixel to the right while still getting the error messages to float to the left. It’s been interesting day to say the least.

So then I come across a page in the system that another developer has been working on. I can tell from the screen that it needs some cleanup. (even though he says It’s almost done!). As I’m going through it I find this.

& #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160 & #160

which is the java equivalent of “&nbsp” which is a space. I’m spending all day writing css styles to move things one pixel and this guy is aligning things by hitting the space bar 150 times.