Snow Czar Demands Action

Life, Rants

So let me continue to complain about the NoVA snow situation. We drove to upper PA over the weekend to go snowboarding at Camelback Mountain (which was awesome and deserving of it’s own post) and we kept hearing how everybody was complaining about how badly the state handled the roads during the snow. I thought they did an alright job, but that’s cause VA handled it even worse. When I got back it hit me that we really aren’t complaining enough about our roads.

I mean come on! They didn’t even plow the turn lanes?? So not only are people driving slow and freaking out about “black ice” when it’s 40 degrees out, but now they’re all backed up at the intersections. Also I don’t know who’s responsibility it is to shovel the sidewalks. I keep thinking of doing it vigilante style while wearing a “other states are laughing at us” t-shirt. But I couldn’t even be bothered to shovel my own, so that’s probably not going to happen.

But walking to the Metro is becoming a exercise in balance and grip. Not to mention that I decided to wear shoes that are apparently glorified socks. So it’s a miracle that I’m not on my ass every five feet. I took some pictures so that you can get an idea of what I’m talking about. Remember that all this is snow covered by a half inch of sleet refrozen every night.

will post pics later…

The Culture of Snow

Life, Rants

What the hell is wrong with people around here? That’s a question I usaully ask myself around this time of year. I mean it snows enough in this part of the country that you think people would be used to it. I think that its because this area is so transient, people move in and don’t have time to adjust to the climate before it snows. Then when it does come they freak out.

I think we need a Virginia department of snow. Their responsibilities would include educating the population on how to drive in the snow, average area snowfall, and not stocking up on all the food at the supermarket on the threat of snow. He should also control the media reports of snow, they shouldn’t be able to sensationalize the impending snowstorm just to increase ratings. He would control school closings thus influencing the next generation of snow drivers.

I would like to throw my name into the hat which will be thrown into the ring which will be filled with contenders. May the best man be the next Snow Czar.


Do not anger the Mark

Life, Rants

Vigilante commenting is becoming something of a morning habit for me. I think it may be the lack of sleep and not having my coffee yet, but don’t mess with me or be an ass in my general vicinity. Not that these incidents last more than a few seconds, I’m pretty sure at this time of the day I could only go back and forth with someone for a few times before my brain gives up. But I can get in one really good burst.

So here’s the set-up. One of my pet peeves is when the person in front of me can’t get their metro card to work. I’ve never had a problem with mine, I don’t even break stride going through the turnstile. But evidently this smartcard technology is beyond some people. So this morning there’s three people in our line at the turnstile middle aged black lady, young girl wearing a orange skirt, and me. Shockingly, old people have a problem with technology, she messes up, complains that the thing isn’t working, then has to back out of the turnstile. Which Metro etiquette says requires the apologetic nod or shoulder shrug, as it is your fault for screwing up the line. But instead complains when she bumps into the girl in the skirt, who says nothing, just uses her smartcard and moves on through, followed by me. All proper Metro behavior, no words or eye contact.

So to finally bring this story to some kind of end. The first lady says loudly, “SAY EXCUSE ME”, then softly, “you god damn witch”. Which for some reason caused me to blurt out, “Are you freaking kidding me? I’d take her side any day”. Not really my wittiest response, but defending the Metro Etiquette is a personal vendetta… and it was cold and early in the morning. People shouldn’t be that bitchy until at least after noon.

I am so glad to be out of High School…6 years later.

Life, Rants

While I was cruising around the intarweb I found a log of incidents of kids getting suspended for violations of the “zero tolerance policies” I can’t begin to explain here the asshattery that is going on in schools today. Zero tolerance movement grew out of the reaction to the Columbine shootings in 1999 (i think) Having been in school on that day I can relate to the paranoia about strange kids in overcoats. But I believe that it has gotten out of hand. I remember when Mr. Johnson came to North Stafford in my senior year, he instated all kinda of new rules and enforced other ones. I remember thinking it was pretty horrible. But things have gotten ridiculous. I think that if you squeeze these kids too tight then some of them are going to pop. Teenagers need room to express themselves. Don’t get me wrong there are limits. But Zero Tolerence is not the answer, the policies need a little common sense built into them. I don’t really know why I went on this rant, but I am just so thankfull that I dont have to go back to PC Nazi high school ever again and don’t have kids in school yet! Our Horrible Children