Presidents Demand Snowboard Action

Life, Trips

So this weekend was another chance for me to prove that it was a wise investment to buy my own snowboard this season. I know I’ve at least saved 150 bucks in rental fees… by spending a couple hundred going snowboarding. Well you gotta spend money to make save money!

So after the weeks of emails planning the trip I can say that it was totally worth it. The cabin was just what I expected, just a couple rooms and a bathroom. It was run by an older couple, the wife looked nice enough, but she kept asking for a $5 deposit on pretty much everything I asked for. The husband looked like I might be seeing him hovering over my bed at night holding an axe. But since that didn’t end up happening I can say that he was an alright guy.

The mountain was great, It was the first time I’d been to a resort that wasn’t snowmaking. They had gotten 5 inches of snow earlier in the week so they had enough to go around. I think they had about 35 trails open, enough variety that you didn’t get bored. I think my skills are really progressing, I’ve gone this year from just barely being able to carve to landing sweet mute grabs out of little moguls. I know they don’t look too impressive to other people but it feels really awesome to fly out and stomp the landing. I might have a few clips I can put together from Wade’s “Heady McCamera”.

This was probably the best boarding that I’ve done all year, it really makes me want to get back to Vermont with Ben and Bonnie. Too bad they can’t move their wedding back so that we can get some boarding in! Other highlights of the trip were getting a picture taken with Cap’n Morgan, winning a beanie in the ring toss, playing with Will’s Wii!, and of course landing a killer mute grab in front of those teenagers and hearing them say “ohh cool!”

Look out flying tomato, Big Guy is coming right at you… no seriously… I can’t turn that fast.


I’ll post the links to the videos as soon as I get them…


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