Box Office Contest

Projects, websites

I’ve been in a ‘Box Office Prediction’ contest at work for several years and I’ve always found it interesting that there’s not really a site out there that will run this kind of thing for you. So I hooked up a combination of php pages with a mysql database and a php script that will pull the daily results from boxofficemojo. It’s clearly a rickety system and I haven’t worked out all the kinks, some movies don’t show up on the daily results, but those ones probably wont make the top 10 anyway.

RAD poster on display in Calgary

Art, Projects

Marc Dewey of A Rad Documentary was in Calgary this weekend for the 25th anniversary and was able to get me a picture of the poster at the gallery. People were gathered around it looking at all the detail and even placing some bids on it, this thing might get sold after all. I am looking into having prints of it for sale on Cafepress or Zazzle, I’ll keep you updated.

One thing that irks me about the print though is that “Bob not blob” appears twice in the bottom right corner, I had redrawn him smaller and forgot to delete the layer. When they got the .eps file it must have been checked to visible. Which is a little annoying since it covers up the “he’s such a nice boy” lady and the Canadian flag that I hid down there. Which is sad, because THAT LADY WAS THERE!

RAD 25


Art, Projects


So I finally finished this! Well finished in the way that I ever really finish anything. I submitted it to the event poster design contest, so I shouldn’t make any more changes on it.  I’m pretty excited about finishing it, I’ve learned a lot as I went along. I could have avoided a lot of the mistakes that I made in the begining. It may not be the perfect poster for the event… it might not win, but I’m not going to be that disappointed if it doesn’t. I am the guy that made my own hooded sweatshirt in my spare time.

Now on to the next poster… I’m thinking Airborne.

Project Progress : Rad Poster, Will I ever finish this thing?

Art, Projects

I’m trying really hard to stay motivated on this project. I love the movie, but I’m running low on free time and all the new house stuff is taking up a lot of my time. I’ve pretty much got all the major moments of the film in some degree of completion in the poster. I’m struggling with a few layout issues, it’s harder than I thought to include all the major and some of the minor characters in a poster and still make the image flow and look coherent. I have a lot of respect for all poster artists now. It’s been about 2 months since the last update, so I have a couple more characters than usual, as always these aren’t the final versions. I’m still getting all the skintones and color palate correct. This is clearly going to be the biggest Illustrator project that I’ve ever attempted.

Like always it’s a challenge for me to keep scale in mind when it comes to detail for the project. Example, even if I print this out at 44×61 those two girls are probably going to be about 3 inches tall… they have way too much detail, but I got carried away.

Please forgive the crudity of this model, I didn’t have time to build it to scale.