Blogging Bloggers and the Blogs they love.

Projects, websites

I’ve been thinking about this blog more and more this week. I’m helping my friend Sean redesign his layout and move to a new server. It will eventually be on but for testing im hosting it on Modifying the theme is a little more tricky than I would like, but I’m coming along with it. It’s going to be a simple design but very tightly designed. It makes me want to redesign this theme… and I probably will in the near future.

It also makes me rethink having two blogs. was supposed to be some kind of middle ground where I could dump anything that I was working on and not be afraid to show it. I was trying to keep some distance between my professional side, my personal side, and my artistic side. What I’ve realized is that no matter what I’m only one person. If I put Mark Schumaker in the meta tags of all the pages, I’m really not separating anything. So I might as well just put all my blogging and art in one place and have a portfolio site in another. So I’m shutting down that blog and bringing all the content over here.

I’m still keeping… because everyone should own their name.

Two new blog related things.

Projects, websites

I figured out how to upload pictures directly to this blog… it was in a box 2 inches below where I type the blogs in… and I design web pages for a living. Oh well, it’s working now, so I think I’ll spice the place up a little with some camera phone pics of whatever I’m talking about.  Could be fun.

In the same vein, I’ve also decided to use the “notes” feature on the 8125 to get down all the little tidbits of blog comments that I think of. When I’m on the Metro I constantly think of little things to say. But I never have the time to get them up on the blog, not that it really matters because nobody reads this thing. But it would be nice to get the old ideas out of my head (to make room for new ones). I’m pretty sure I can only have like 30 things going on in my head at the same time, that includes appointments, projects, upcoming birthdays.

Today on the way home I’ll try to set up the mo-blog again. I had it working on the Treo but it was never a smooth system. With windows mobile I’m hoping I can just call up this page and log in like normal. Should be a pretty smooth process.


256… um 257

Projects, websites

as of a few seconds ago there were 256 posts on this site. This making it 257. My first post was from December 2004 a long time ago in a small office in Arlington. The old blog has come a long way since then.

Two hundred fifty-six is also:

* The number of characters in the new Braille 8-dot system.
* The number of different values in one byte, which makes it the typical number of different values in each color channel of a digital color image (see color space encoding).
* The year AD 256 and 256 BC.
* The Split-Screen Level in Pacman
* The number of counties in Texas.
* The number of characters in Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita.
* An area code in Alabama.
* The number of regular season football games in the NFL.
* The frequency of Middle C on a piano in hertz.


New Things all around!

Projects, websites

New year, New Friends, New Blog!

All that’s left is to get the gallery back up and functioning and this thing will be ready to go. I was thinking of moving the site to a better URL, Hopefully that just means linking the other wordpress installation to the same database. But I really just want to get back to writing, I feel better when I write down the things I think of. But it’s late now and I have to make up sleep that I missed last night.

See you around,  Internet!

Moving Swalri

Projects, websites

So I’m moving the blog. For technical reasons this website has much better hosting and WordPress has much more to offer than Blosxom. It’s not like Bloxsom is a bad program, I just think that it’s development has stalled and It’s too hard to configure. This one should be easier to work with and it’s database driven so searching is much easier. I’m still trying to get all the plugins to work and I don’t feel like messing with perl scripts anymore so I’m copying the old entries one by one and changing the dates, which should take a while. But I think it’s worth it.


I finally finished!