I need to keep up the blogging. For my own sake, because who would actually read this.
The more things change…
Projects, websitesNot much looks like it has changed on this page, but that really isn’t true. I wanted to be able to change the CSS styles dynamically so I used the Bloxsom plugin blosxcss. It allows the user to change to the flavor that they want to. But while I was researching this I discovered CSS Zen Garden this is a site dedicated to using css to its full potential. It is really amazing how different they can make the same exact HTML page look. After that I looked at my HTML code and realized that it was not ready for any css flavor changing. I went into it and added nested div statements so that i could change the look of the page. I then went into my css file and added those divs so I could use them. So anyway hours later… I had it looking the same as when I started… but it is different underneath. So then i needed another css file. I created the “splattered” flavor in about an hour. I really like the title image and I think I will continue to modify it. These two are layed out exactly the same but it dosent have to be. I will be continuing to work with these and adding more. Just click on the one you like in the left menu and the whole site will change to that flavor.
ps…I just tested the plugin, it works in all browsers except Opera… but who cares?
I dont really know what I’m doing
Projects, websitesI think i do, but i think i’m just scraping the surface. When I get one thing working on this site i seem to break a couple of other things. The RSS feeds on the right side of the page may or may not be working properly. It would be cool to have them there, but if i have to then I will remove them. I REALLY want to get this MFOP thing to work, its a mobile blogging application that allows you to email pics from your phone right onto the web, it posts them automatically! I would gladly pay the 10 cent email charge to not have to deal with uploading them myself, and it would work from anywhere. But apparently I have chosen the perfect time to get excited about this because his server is down, or moving to a new one. but I will eventually get it working.
The Original Post
Projects, websitesSo I worked on this thing most of the day, and its finally, mostly done! I need to get some little cool points fixed but I think that its good enough to start. I was so excited to start that I’m writing this at 1am when I should be getting in bed cause I have to work in the morning. It seemed easy enough to set up, I had some trouble with some plugins but I was able to fix them. I really want to fix the random gallery image plugin tomorrow… but I am getting tired now… and there is sleeping to be done.