Even god damn day…


I can’t figure out why… But this guy is my nemisis.

I’m sure he’s a nice guy.  He’s probably some kind of cancer survivor that works really hard and volunteers for soup kitchens. But how I know him is “That guy who’s always going the opposite direction on his recumbent bike” when I’m going to or coming home from work.

Rain or Shine, Winter or Summer, He never stops… He’s like some kind of healthy terminator.

I’ve seen him close to my house and I’ve seen him on Church street in Vienna and every road in between.  He’s never happy or sad, he just has this relentless look on his face as if riding that crazy bike is the only thing that keeps him going. He’s never going very fast… always slow and steady… winning the god damn race.

Stop being dependable and hard working when I’m barely awake and hungry!

Vienna Metro Parking Status

Life, Rants
South Garage

South Garage

Vienna North Garage Full 8:27
I know that because some guy cut me off for the last space.

Vienna South Garage Full 8:32
I know this because I took the last space. suckers.

I think this is way too early in the school year for the garages to be filling up at these times. I remember when I used to get there at 8:45 and get a space at the north garage. What’s DC Metro going to do about it? I’m going to bet nothing. I don’t understand why they don’t loose some of those reserved spaces. They would make more money per day, I see at least 40 or 50 cars being turned away every day and I don’t see any more of the reserved spaces getting sold.

The only thing more annoying than the parking in the garages is that they pay a person to sit in the booth at the exit. They don’t take cash and only one lane can use a credit card. So essentially the person’s whole job is to tell people that they need a smart trip card or to move to the next lane. They are human signs.

I just wish DC gave a shit.

DC Metro – Slow Speed Chase

Life, Rants

I think I took this video last Thursday. It was raining in the morning. DC drivers are notorious for slowing down to slow speeds when there is a drop of water on the roads. But I didn’t know that the train drivers were like that too. At one point I swear I could have been walking faster than the train was moving. It was painful to see cars in traffic moving faster than us.
DC Metro Ride

Working Early

Life, Randomness

It’s one thing to be up before the sun rises. Farmers and some commuters do it every day. But maybe it’s just me but I think it is entirely unneccisary to be up , going to work, when the moon is still high in the sky. I had to commute with Cote this morning because my car is still trapped in Stafford. I left the house at 6am this morning, which dosen’t seem that early theoretically. Maybe it was the fact that it was FREEZING outside and I had to walk a few blocks from the Metro to the office. Maybe it was that I didn’t wear my heavy coat or gloves. Any way I look at it,it really really sucked. So now it’s 7:18am a time when I would normally be just starting to hit my alarm clock for the first time as I wake up, but I have been at work for almost an hour. Well at least there is still no actual work to do here, that’s coming next week.