I was listening to The Nerdist podcast the other day and I heard them talking about Matt Mira’s love of anything Frasier. Â They mentioned a Muppet Babies/ Frasier crossover and I was instantly thinking of doing something. This was one of those projects that I probably don’t really have time for, but I couldn’t get it out of my head. So I just decided to do it and get it out there, it’s not perfect, but I love it!
Draw your Party Wedding Invitations
Art, Projects
One of the things that made our wedding special was the creativity of all of our friends and their willingness to go along with our crazy schemes. The RSVP card that was included with the invitation had a blank section with instructions to “Draw your Party”. It was actually kind of useful because when I was designing the card I had forgotten to put a space to say how many people you were bringing with you. Some people were very quick and some people stressed about it. But everyone did a great job at giving us just what we wanted; a little memory of all of you.
See the rest after the break
Awesome Skull drawing time lapse
Interests, LifeI see a video like this and it reminds me that sometimes I say to Laurel “I can’t really draw” and she laugh’s at me and tells me I’m just doubting myself. I can copy somebodies drawing style, but I can never really find my own. When I sit down and really want to draw something I can never think of anything. I think I need to start doing still life or something just to get my hands back in shape. I know there’s good drawings in there somewhere.
Either I need to work on my inking or my drawing… or both.
Art, ProjectsI just can’t ever seem to draw people the way I like it. I guess I need more practice but I really don’t like drawing people. This picture is supposed to be Lori Laughlin and Bill Allen doing some “Ass Sliding” down into the river. What it kind of looks like is Ally Sheedy from the Breakfast club and “Vampire Bill” from True Blood sliding down an explosive river. But I’m working on it.

Ass Sliding Ink Test