I'm 27… beeeeeeeyotch.


I fought for my right to party this weekend at the homestead, not much of a fight really.  We had a good turnout, saw some people we hadn’t seen in a while, and others we hadn’t seen that drunk ever. Laurel’s food was great (the stuff she remembered to bring out of the oven anyway). The cornhole set was a success (if a bit bouncy). And I think everyone had a good time and got home safe (most importantly)

I like having parties at the LM ranch, I just don’t like planning for them or cleaning up afterwards. It’s monday and there’s still work to be done cleaning. Then we leave Thursday for WV and All Good. I’m really excited about it!


Update on life – 12/28/07

Life, Randomness

Man life moves fast. Especially when you’re traveling and things are happening. I’m moving in with my girlfriend to a homestead in Oakton. It feels like we’re living in the old west. We’re moving into a house built in 1948, oil heat, septic, well water… our neighbors in their executive mansions have every conveinence know to modern man. I feel like it’s the frontier and we’re the last people who haven’t sold out to the wealthy ranchers. It’s going to be an adventure to say the least.
