Not being black forbids me from commenting.

Life, Randomness

Up until now I’ve left it to Bill Cosby to say all the things I as a white guy, can’t say in public about black people. Now it seems I have a new voice, Charles Barkley. This quote from an article in “The New Republic” pretty much says it all… take it away Chuck!

Question: In some quarters Barack [Obama] has been criticized for not being black enough.
Well, that’s because black people are fucked up. One of the reasons that black people are not going to be successful is because of other black people. We tell black kids that if they make good grades, they are acting white. If they speak well, we tell them that they are acting white. We have a lot of demons in our own closet–in our own family–that we have to address. But first of all, we want black men to be intelligent and articulate and things like that. That’s not acting white. That’s the way it should be. … We become our own worst enemy with random black-on-black crime, teen pregnancy, single-parent homes. You know we cannot blaming white America for our ills. Does racism exist? Of course it does. But, at some point, I have to make sure I am educated. I don’t have ten kids and no job. I am not killing other black people. At some point, you have to grow up.

Beyond Basketball: Race, Class, And Politics


Why we shouldn’t be in Iraq

Life, Rants

I can’t even find a way to start this blog. Does the US as the semi-lone superpower have a responsibility to help everyone? Is China out there in other countries deposing dictators? What about… well anybody else. I don’t think it’s any of our business to get involved in the middle east. What’s my main argument? They’re fucked. They always have been and always will be. NPR Mid East History There’s nothing good that can come from the US being involved in military action in Iraq, Iran, or anywhere else over there.

America decided long ago that we weren’t going to stone people to death for “Dishonoring the Family”. We invented Jerry Springer or shipped them off to boarding school. But would we let random strangers strip them naked in the streets and crush their faces with large stones? The still practice old testament justice, 2500 years later. How do we expect to change that with bullets. If they haven’t evolved yet, they’re never going to. We could nuke the place from orbit and 10 years later they would be stoning adulterers with giant pieces of the glass parking lot.

By living around Washington DC I have know several middle eastern men. I have know Iraqis, Iranians, even a guy from Qatar. 90% of them fit into the stereotype. They only care about money, power and material possessions. They have no respect for women. And these are the ones living in America, I can only imagine what it’s like over there.

So why am I all of the sudden writing this post. Well I came across a story today, complete with video of a young woman being stoned to death in Iraq…recently. I’ve lost all hope for these people. Lets get the hell out, start buying electric cars and give the big fuck you to the middle east.

Do not anger the Mark

Life, Rants

Vigilante commenting is becoming something of a morning habit for me. I think it may be the lack of sleep and not having my coffee yet, but don’t mess with me or be an ass in my general vicinity. Not that these incidents last more than a few seconds, I’m pretty sure at this time of the day I could only go back and forth with someone for a few times before my brain gives up. But I can get in one really good burst.

So here’s the set-up. One of my pet peeves is when the person in front of me can’t get their metro card to work. I’ve never had a problem with mine, I don’t even break stride going through the turnstile. But evidently this smartcard technology is beyond some people. So this morning there’s three people in our line at the turnstile middle aged black lady, young girl wearing a orange skirt, and me. Shockingly, old people have a problem with technology, she messes up, complains that the thing isn’t working, then has to back out of the turnstile. Which Metro etiquette says requires the apologetic nod or shoulder shrug, as it is your fault for screwing up the line. But instead complains when she bumps into the girl in the skirt, who says nothing, just uses her smartcard and moves on through, followed by me. All proper Metro behavior, no words or eye contact.

So to finally bring this story to some kind of end. The first lady says loudly, “SAY EXCUSE ME”, then softly, “you god damn witch”. Which for some reason caused me to blurt out, “Are you freaking kidding me? I’d take her side any day”. Not really my wittiest response, but defending the Metro Etiquette is a personal vendetta… and it was cold and early in the morning. People shouldn’t be that bitchy until at least after noon.

The Mathmatics of Offending

Entertainment, Random

It just hit me. My latest half baked theory, I was just reading an article condemming South Park for featuring Steve Irwin in their Halloween Episode. The article menitoned that it was too soon for a joke about his death. (which it probably is) but that’s not the point, the reason South Park is still on the air is that it’s an equal opportunity offender.

So here’s my take on why this is getting news now, It’s really a testament to Steve Irwin’s popularity rather than to how offensive the episode was. Because they’ve definatley had more to say about some other celebrities or political leaders. And they’ve done things that were way way more offensive. Let me just mention a few random South Park Related words.

Cherokee Hair Tampons

In the episode “It Hits the Fan”, South Park broke the swearing record by using the word shit a total of 162 times, uncensored.

The Butt faced People

In December 2005, the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights protested the season finale episode, “Bloody Mary”, for its depiction of a statue of the Virgin Mary bleeding from her vagina.

Furthermore, while the channel refused to broadcast an image of Muhammad, Comedy Central opted not to censor images of Christ, the president and the American flag being defecated upon.

So where’s my theory? Well here it is, If the figure or Belief being made fun of is liked or generally well thought of by more than… lets say 75% of the general public. Then it’s considered totally uncool to make fun of them. But if you want to make fun of Hitler, Satan, Saddam, OJ, Gary Condit that’s fine. But those targets are too easy, where the real money is are celebrities. Because there’s always enough people who dislike them to keep them below my magic 75% number but they’re still well known enough to be recognised. ex. John Travolta, Rosie O’Donnell, R-Kelley, Politicians. Also if you make fun of Tom Cruise you might win an Emmy. Because with all his craziness this year he’s slipped almost OJ levels of creepyness.
