Weekend jam packed to the maxxxxxxx

Life, Randomness

This weekend was jam packed. I think I did more in two days than I did all last weekend. On Friday softabll season began again with a crushing loss to the “Nova Electrical Workers Union” aka. “The ‘Roiding Bashers”. Saturday Laurel and I decided to play tennis in the extreme heat, idea=good, heatstroke=bad. Nobody died so I was able to watch Virginia Tech get smashed into little pieces by a dominant LSU team. The next day I drove out to Ashburn to watch the Redskins game at Darryl and Nadine’s house. It was a pretty good game (Skins win!) Just when you think I can’t pack anything more into this weekend… We see Lynard Skynard play in Leesburg. Busy weekend, but all I can say is…



Pessimists guide to this week in history.

Life, Randomness

April 16, 2007: VT Shooting Spree. 33 were killed (including shooter)
April 18, 1983: Suicide bomber destroys Lebanon embassy. 63 deaths
April 19, 1989: Turret explosed on USS Iowa. Kills 47.
April 19, 1993: The Branch Davidian Siege ends in the deaths of 81 people
April 19, 1995: Oklahoma City Bombing kills 168
April 20, 1999: Columbine Massacre. 15 were killed (including shooters)

Don’t forget April 15, 1912: Titanic sinks. About 1,500 die.

Details emerge… but does it really matter

Life, Randomness

With the world on a 24 hour news cycle it’s hard to watch the reporters repeat what details are already out there for hours on end. I forced myself not to watch any reports for hours yesterday so that when I finally did I actually got information, not just a sick feeling in my stomach.

I just feel this need to know.

Does it make me feel better to know the details, to know the face, not really. I just clamor for information. I need to know. It’s like when you were a kid and you watched the scary parts through the cracks in your fingers, you were scared to find out, but you really wanted to know.

This is the scary part in real life.

So if you really want to know and don’t feel like putting up with Geraldo’s mustachioed ego, then go to what I’ve found to be the best resource for information.

VT Massacre


PS. write your name like this and tell me it doesn’t creep you out today…

Mark Schumaker, 25, Vienna Virginia

You never know what kind of day it’s going to be when you wake up.

Life, Randomness

We weren’t having the best night last night. It had poured down rain all day and the sump pump in Charlie’s room had given up. Water had made it all the way from the sump under the bathroom floor, to the laundry room. It was a total mess, unlike most things we couldn’t fix this. So we called Lauren (our landlord) and she told us the earliest she could get someone out to us would be 9:30 Monday morning. So we decided to take our chances with that time, so we used the shop vac to get as much water out of everything and let it ride.

But then at 9:30 nothing about our house situation seemed to matter. Nothing about changing jsp code at work mattered. Guitar Hero breaks could barley take my mind off what happened in Blacksburg. I was a senior in high school when Columbine happened, this feels so similar. Just thinking about it brings up all those images that are burned in my brain. Well now I have new images and sounds that keep echoing around inside my head.

There’s nothing I can do. That’s what I keep thinking.

For now it seems like there was nothing anybody could have done about it. I hope it stays like that. I’d hate to think this could have been avoided.
